Modern Mums & More Pelvic Health Physiotherapy
Now offering Women's Health Acupuncture in Clinic
Acupuncture is a treatment system that has been scientifically proven to have positive benefits on health and well-being. Practiced for over 2,000 years in Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is based on stimulation of strategic points in the body for therapeutic or preventative purposes.
Acupuncturist follow a holistic and integrated medical approach, recognising the crucial links between all organ systems of the body as well as the importance of the mind body connection in treating illness.
Acupuncture will help you to re-balance, and to heal and while the body has an incredible way of healing itself naturally, acupuncture aids this process. Acupuncture treatment gives a general sense of calm and wellbeing, with incredible results after just a few sessions.
Acupuncture for Women’s Health, Gynaecological & Menopause Symptoms
Back Pain (Pregnancy & Postnatal)
Pelvic Girdle Pain (Pregnancy & Postnatal)
Overactive Bladder/ Bladder Urgency, Frequency
Dyspareunia (Pain with Sex)
Hot Flushes
Nausea & Vomiting
General MSK Issues
Auricular (Ear)